
2 tier Wedding Cakes - Purple and White

This cake ordered from CNI office to celebrate owner's daughter wedding..
Actually, this is last minute order.. Luckily that night, my fondant go very smooth and I likeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Tq all..

Cupcakes Hantaran Blue and Black

Fiza order for her engagement.. Congratsss...

Tq tau..

Hantaran CupCakEs

Hantaran Nikah dari Jeejah to Iwan cayang..

Tq Jeejah.. Moga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat..

Birthday Cupcakes

Order dari Zaila again.. Tq Zaila..
At first janji nak collect from ofc, tapi choc topping bole cair and spread out to others cuppies..
Balik from office petang tu terus rush out buat cupcakes baru.. Inilah hasilnya..


CaRrOt cUpcAkE WaLnUt wItH CrEaM CHeEsE

Price : 16 pcs - RM45
25 pcs - RM68
Together with your decoration request.

Try my carrot cupcakes.. yummy2..

Birthday Cakes - Ferrari Logo's

This order made from Jaya, my 1st non muslim customer.. tak kisahlah, kitakan SATU MALAYSIA..
Her son really admire @ Ferrari.. Hope you like it and enjoy my cakes..

CaRrOt cAkE WaLnUt wItH CrEaM CHeEsE

Kak Mona ordered this cake for her brother's birthday..

Tq kak!!

CaRrOt cAkE WaLnUt wItH CrEaM CHeEsE

This order from Zaila.. as a present to her department..

Tq Zaila.. klu sedap order lagi tau..

CaRrOt cAkE WaLnUt wItH CrEaM CHeEsE

Seperti biasa, bila nak menyambut Aidil Adha, ramai yg terfikir2, apa nak dijamu kepada tetamu..
so, apa lagi.. carrot cake lah!! Tq Zura, for this order..
Zura, order pukul 3.30 ptg and pick up at my house around 10.00 pm (malam raye), besok nyer bg komen..

5 star!!! betul ke Zura.. suke kek ni yer...

GoODieS fOr KiNdErGaEDeN PaRtY

Jieta order for her daughter's kindergarden party..

Tq Jieta..
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